Thursday, November 21, 2019

Life Skills Complete Outfits

Making characters cute with items available to unlock in game.
Please find information sheets regarding the Outfit Rewards from completing Life Skills Ranks in Maplestory2. They are Character Bound items (but they are available to unlock on all alternative characters) and perfectly adorable to mix and match. 

With so many new players joining Maplestory 2 a year after its release. I decided to create some information sheets for brand new guildies. I'm starting these information sheets based on the cosmetic side from farming or trophy hunting etc. I wanted to show players that you can make your character look cute in game even if you don't have money too spend. Admittedly I enjoy treating my characters to the new fashion items released in game. But on the other hand I also try to find all the in game items available to.
So I thought I would share here, hope they are useful.

Thank you for looking and Happy Mapling <333 ^^

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ensemble Performance - 16 /11/19

Bandbuddies - EU in Maplestory2 host ensembles most evenings.

As a guild we love to join in these ensembles. It's amazing to listen to them and appreciate the time and effort that went into making each part to create such elaborate pieces. 

Thank you for watching and Happy Mapling <3 ^^

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ensemble Performance 15/11/19

Bandbuddies - EU in Maplestory2 host ensembles most evenings.

As a guild we love to join in these ensembles. It's amazing to listen to them and appreciate the time and effort that went into making each part to create such elaborate pieces. 

Thank you for watching and Happy Mapling <3 ^^

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ensemble Performance 11/11/19

Bandbuddies - EU in Maplestory2 host ensembles most evenings.

As a guild we love to join in these ensembles. It's amazing to listen to them and appreciate the time and effort that went into making each part to create such elaborate pieces. 

Thank you for watching and Happy Mapling <3 ^^

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Skirt and knit jumper -female jersey template free UGC Maplestory2

Currently my favourite outfit to wear in game. So cute and simple but so effective.

Please feel free to use and share photos in you can. 

Thank you for looking and happy Mapling <3 ^^

Hoodie Templates - Icy Blue UGC Free templates Maplestory2

Icy Blue Nordic Hoodie with Variations

Bonus Pink Version x2

More Pudding? Female UGC Template Free Maplestory 2

Another Version of a Christmas Pudding Jumper.

Please feel free to use if you like and if you can share photos, please do.

Thank you for looking and Happy Mapling <3 ^^